Foods To Heal The Subchorionic Hemorrhage – Thy Food Thy Med

Foods To Heal The Subchorionic Hemorrhage

Bleeding during pregnancy is alarming, and most mothers perceive it as a miscarriage. In most cases, if you feel light bleeding during pregnancy, it may be because of subchorionic hemorrhage. 

Pregnancy can be easily carried out only if you take appropriate medications and foods to heal the subchorionic hemorrhage. As a first-time mother, if you are unsure about the food and medications to handle this situation, then keep reading because this article is the perfect guide for new mothers suffering from hematoma. 

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Foods To Heal The Subchorionic Hemorrhage

What Is Subchorionic Hemorrhage? 

Subchorionic hemorrhage is when the chorion membrane separates from the uterus wall, and a blood clot is formed between the uterus wall and the chorion membrane. The size of the blood clot varies depending on the separation of the membrane.

Causes And Symptoms 

Even after several types of research and clinical trials, there are no specific causes of hematoma, but some factors which may increase its risk are

  • A previous history of uterine irregularities and infections
  • Previous history of miscarriage
  • IVF pregnancy
  • Malformed uterus
  • Preeclampsia
  • First pregnancy or older age pregnancy
  • Hypertension
  • Pelvic infections

Hematoma symptoms vary from person to person, but the most common symptom is vaginal bleeding. A pregnant mother may also feel discomfort and backache during pregnancy. 

What Precautions Help Heal Subchorionic Hemorrhage?

In addition to managing diet and a healthy lifestyle, there are also some other possible precautions that you must take. Some of these precautions include

  • Avoiding exercise and strenuous activities
  • Refraining from sex
  • Taking anti-d immune globulin only if you are RhD negative mother
  • Bed rest
  •  Regular visits and ultrasounds to monitor the size of the hematoma

What Precautions Help Heal Subchorionic Hemorrhage

Food Helping Heal Hematoma

Many people think that food will act like medicine and cure all blood clots quickly, but it is not true. Food will not help in recovering or healing from subchorionic hemorrhage; the only thing which will change by eating healthy food is your immunity and energy levels. Good food will boost your energy and will strengthen your immunity which will help in quick recovery and smoothen the healing process.

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Dairy Products

One of the essential food groups for pregnant ladies is dairy products. Dairy products are a source of good fats, proteins, calcium, and zinc. These nutrients help quick healing, specifically for women suffering from subchorionic hemorrhage. 

You can take almost all-day products but make sure that you avoid unpasteurized milk mold-ripened cheese and blue cheese because these contain harmful bacteria, which may result in diarrhea and other stomach disorders.

Nuts And Seeds

We all know that in hematoma, a pregnant lady suffers from vaginal breeding, which may cause weakness and deficiency of nutrients. Nuts and seeds are some of the best foods for fulfilling body nutrient deficiency. Nuts and seeds are rich sources of essential fatty acids, vitamin minerals, and amino acids which are building blocks for the body.  As a pregnant lady, you can take a handful of nuts daily.

Fruit And Vegetables

It doesn’t matter if you are pregnant or not; fruit and vegetables are still one of the healthiest meal options citrus fruit and green vegetables like lemon, spinach, and peaches help quickly heal an internal wound. The green vegetables are filled with magnesium and iron, which is specifically helpful in healing a subchorionic hemorrhage. 

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Beans And Legumes

If you love lentil soups and crave roasted beans or bean salad, this superfood option is best for you. Beans and legumes are rich in plant-based protein and complex carbohydrates, which are necessary for forming healthy blood cells and can aid in healing.

Meat And Fish

You can take all types of meats which are thoroughly cooked. You can also take steaks with different sauces, but ensure the meat is thoroughly cooked because uncooked or partially cooked meat can cause stomach infections.

If you are a fan of seafood, you can take fish because different studies have proved that fish is high in omega-three fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and protect against cardiovascular disorders. Omega 3 fatty acids also help in dissolving blood clots.

Meat And Fish 

Water And Other Fluids

One of the most common things doctors advise pregnant women to do is ensure proper water intake. Drink a minimum of 1.2 to 2 l of fluid daily. If you don’t like water, add lime oranges, berries, and different fruits to water to enhance its flavor.

You can also take decaffeinated coffee, tea, smoothies, and fruit juices for quick recovery. 

What Food To Avoid For Subchorionic Hematoma?

If you are suffering from subchorionic hematoma, then make sure to avoid some food groups, such as food high in sugar, saturated fat, and high level of sodium. These foods can increase the risk of developing a subchorionic hematoma. 

Also, avoid preserved food containing unhealthy ingredients like preservatives and additives. These foods are not only bad for mothers with subchorionic hematoma but can also affect healthy mothers adversely. 

Is Subchorionic Hematoma Dangerous For Pregnancy?

In most cases, the subchorionic hematoma is not dangerous and will not harm your baby. If its size is small, it’s just like a bruise under the skin which will heal with time. On the other hand, if its size is large and it is in late pregnancy, it may cause complications. But this is rare, and your baby will usually be healthy. 

The only thing which can worsen this situation is not taking proper care and avoiding regular checkups, so make sure to pay attention to the instructions of the gynecologist. 

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What size of hematoma is dangerous for a baby? 

A hematoma is considered a large one if its size is greater than 50% of the size of the gestation sac. Large hematomas ranging from 30 to 50% can cause harm to the baby and may result in complications like preterm birth. 

How fast can you heal from a subchorionic hematoma?

By taking proper care of your diet and following the gynecologist’s instructions, a subchorionic hematoma can heal in one to two weeks.

What is the normal size of the hematoma?

The normal hematoma size in most pregnant ladies is between 20 to 30 ml.


Pregnancy hematoma is not dangerous, and you can easily heal it. Sometimes you may not even know your condition, and the hematoma heals automatically. 

If you are facing vaginal bleeding, pain, and weakness, take the foods listed above to heal subchorionic hemorrhage because the food will help heal hematoma and ensure a healthy baby. Make sure not to stress yourself because of hematoma; it is normal and can be easily healed. Just follow the instructions and visit your gynecologist regularly.

You may also get help from our blog about complications and the comparison of short-torso pregnancy with long-torso pregnancy.

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