Remember the days of your early pregnancy when you were fragile and unable to understand your body changings. You need help understanding the food cravings, nutritional plans and due cares about your body requirements. Sometimes you eat less; sometimes you eat alot, sometimes you dehydrated or awaken whole night. This was all about the preganncy but whats after that?
Whats after your baby in your lap, and he needs first breast fed, and you are not ready to breast feed your baby?
This is all about I am here on this platform, where I would love to share all information which may ease your life and your baby’s life. Where you can find easiest ways to tackle your marital life as well after having a baby. In this regard I would love to share my story for your motivation and make you understand the purpose of my decision to start this website.
Hi, I am Sarah Prescott
I am 29 years old lady residing in the state of Florida, where I had experienced to born triplets which was a unique experience for me. Along this journey, my Dr.Katrina S. Adams took a very good care of my pregnancy under special observation. Furthermore, she had paid special attention towards my mental health as well.
As every woman can understand, it is not so easy to be a mother of triplets. It is not just about the sleepless nights and the constant worry; it is also about the sacrifices and choices you must make as a mother. I want to share my journey with my readers here because I want them to let aware from my blogs about every suffering or their doubts or any kind of help they need from me as a to be mother.
As I had always wanted to be a mother. I did everything right before getting pregnant: I ate healthy, exercised regularly, and even took special classes on how to be a good parent! When I found out that I was carrying triplets, I was thrilled at first—of course! But then came the hard part: how do we ensure these babies are cared for? How do we do everything we need to do for them? And most importantly “how can we afford it all“?
I am here on this website with desired information about Baby’s routines, health, required nutritions, steps for child development, etc.
I hope you will enjoy reading my blogs and find it more useful during pregnancy and after child birth.
My Mission
The conviction drives the mission of a story that all children have the right to a healthy start in life. We’re passionate about giving mothers personalized information and guidance to support their children’s development and care.
New research has found that the ‘whys’ of raising children are long gone, but with it are also disappearing the “whats” of child-rearing. “What does my child need to be a healthy, happy kid? How do I know how much to feed my newborn? What’s the best way to get my kid to sleep through the night?”. There is no standardized or authoritative source for parents like there used to be.
Self-help content, blogs, and forums make things even more confusing. Parents are often left alone with their worries, failures, and insecurities.
Our experienced Doctor and Bloggers will include everything you need about your baby’s development stage. Check out our constantly updated goldmine of information! We will guide you by your requirements over the child upbringing stages. All you’ll have to do is enjoy being a parent.
Our Values
At, we’re committed to helping children grow up healthy and happy. We believe that children should have every opportunity to flourish in this world, and our work is dedicated to making sure they do. Our values include:
Care about children
We believe that all children should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential, and that all parents deserve help in raising their children to become happy, healthy adults.
Care about child development
The safety and health of children is an issue that needs to be handled with the utmost care and attention. We are committed to providing parents with helpful information and tips on how to protect their children while encouraging them to get involved in the community.
Care About Children’s Nourishment
We believe children’s nourishment is the most important thing in their lives. That’s why we are committed to providing them with the best food possible so that they can grow healthy and strong.
Care About Children’s Health Worldwide
We care about children’s health worldwide. Our goal is to make the world a better place for children by providing them with vaccines and other health services. We believe that every child should be vaccinated and protected against deadly diseases.
Care About Children’s Up-Bringing
We believe that children are the future of our country, and we should do everything possible to ensure they have a bright future. We also believe that there is nothing more important than the up-bringing of children, and this is why we have made it our life’s mission to help parents raise their children in the best way possible.